Cole Fence | Professional Fence Company

Can We Have Fencing Installed In The Winter?

Can We Have Fencing Installed In The Winter

Can We Have Fencing Installed In The Winter?

Here in Southeastern Virginia, we have pretty mild winters compared to the neighbors to the north. Many clients ask us around this time of year whether or not it’s advisable or O.K. to have a fence installed on their private or commercial property. As professional fence installers, we can advise you that it’s fine to do so, as long as the ground isn’t frozen solid. In fact, we’ll give you some reasons as to why it’s actually a great time to knock fencing off your to-do list. Let’s dive in.

Jump To The Front of The Line

Most people sort of think because it’s winter they should hold off until spring. We, at Cole Fence, are here to let you know that if you move ahead with your fencing project during the late fall and winter months, you’ll save some money and your fencing project will be done a bit faster. Why? Because of the aforementioned preconceived notion, things do slow down some, which affords us the ability to get in with ease and finish your project quickly. Sometimes with changing demand for certain fence products we can do it more cost effectively, too. 

Privacy. Privacy. Privacy.

Unless you have a very green thumb, your yard during the winter months will go through the natural phase of dormancy before warmer temps return. With that, getting your fencing job completed during the winter months offers privacy. You can use your shielded property as a veritable blank canvas while you work out plans for your backyard oasis. Installing a fence now will give you privacy and add value to your home, should the desire to sell present itself. 

Make Time Work For You

Time is one of the few things we can never get back. With each passing second of the clock, minutes, days and hours are lost to history. So, let’s turn the perspective and look towards tomorrow. How can you better use time? When spring arrives, you’ll want to get the most enjoyment out of your yard. As cook outs, family gatherings or some shade tree work begins, you’ll want things to be in order. Installing a fence now will allow you to fully enjoy your private or commercial property without wasting precious time. That’s why we say, make time work for you. Sooner than you think, it’ll be warm out – and you’ll be glad you chose Cole Fence to install your fencing ahead of the pack. 

Pets Love Fences, Too

There’s nothing like the look on a friend or family member’s face when they receive their first pet. We’re pretty sure that many of you reading this right now have already made arrangements to add a new member to your family. Well, why not make one more? Once the holidays are over, your pets will need to go outside – which would be so much easier with a fenced in perimeter. Fences allow your pets to roam around your yard without worry, so you can move along through your day or have a quick game of fetch. Off leash pets are happier pets. We all love the freedom to roam.  

Add Value To Your Home Now

Beyond all of the more standard benefits of fencing, like security, curb appeal and privacy – fencing adds value to your home. The housing market will always fluctuate, but making improvements to your house will certainly increase it’s worth. By taking advantage of installing your fence during the winter months, you’ll add value and potentially save some money. That’s a definite win-win for you! 

We have been installing fencing for decades, and know how to get the job done right and to your complete satisfaction. We install fencing for residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial applications. If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to come out and price your fencing job and walk you through our process. We invite you to fill out our short form and we’ll contact you with next steps. Or, if you like, give us a call at 757.650.8252

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