Choosing The Right Fence For Your Home
As you’ve noticed, there are dozens upon dozens of different types of fencing available today. It can be quite a burden to choose the right medium for your application, which is why we are here. Experience has led us to know what works and what doesn’t, as well as the ability to make expert recommendations as you begin your fencing expedition. Each client’s home design is different which lends us perspective on which fencing options to present. Vinyl, wood, aluminum, and chain link are just a few options that you might be familiar with.
The Why
To start, ask yourself, “Why am I installing a fence?” The very root of this question will help determine what type of fence will work best, then on to mediums and styles. So, consider the “Why?”. If you are installing a fence for privacy, a solid wood or vinyl fence may meet your needs. Small gaps between planks and a high panel can give you a large amount of privacy. On the other end of the spectrum, a simple split rail fence is also an option. These are often installed as a means of beautification vs. that of a privacy oriented fence. So, as you can see we first have to determine the basis for your need, then evaluate your options.
Maintaining Your Fence
If there’s one thing we at Cole Fence know, it’s about fence maintenance. We’re consistently contacted to address fencing issues from improper installation by DIY’ers or just due to age. In addition to asking yourself, “Why?” you need to consider maintenance. Do you want to stain, paint or treat your fence on an annual basis or do you prefer a more hands off approach. Both have their benefits and both will require some degree of maintenance even in the best of conditions. For instance, vinyl fencing is made to be economical, but certain colors like white will need pressure washing annually in most cases to stay clean.
Picking a Medium & Style
Picking a type of fencing often begins with reviewing what your home is made of. For instance, if you have a white vinyl sided house with black shutters, an black aluminum fence might work well, and accent your trim. If you are in a brick or lap sided home, a wooden fence may work to your advantage, or even wrought iron. It really goes back to your needs and what you are trying to accomplish by having a fence installed. So, take a walk around your yard and maybe a ride around your neighborhood. Look at other homes and you’ll quickly see what you like and what doesn’t work well. We’ll help you avoid any potential obstacles by making recommendations based on our long history of installing quality fencing.
Fencing Materials:
- Wood
- Metal
- Composite
- Vinyl
Fencing Styles:
- Privacy
- Lattice
- Picket
- Split
- Scalloped
- Dog Eared
- Squared
- Farm
Next Steps
At this point you’ve probably pinpointed the reason you need a fence and what you are wanting to accomplish with an installation. Here are a few possibilities:
- Privacy
- Security
- Beautification
- Property Line / Barrier
- Shield Unsightly Environment
- Safety for Children and Pets
Your next step is the best step! Call or contact Cole Fence today for an onsite consultation. Together we’ll look at the options and develop a plan of action to get your fencing needs addressed. Remember, as long as the ground isn’t frozen, it’s always a good time to have a fence installed. We look forward to being a part of making your property more functional and beautiful for years to come.
We’re based out of Franklin, VA and cover a wide territory. We invite you to visit our service area page to explore our coverage area. If you’re not sure, give us a call at 757.650.8252, most likely we’ll be able to work with you to fill your fencing needs.